Go tell them about me.

This is the desire of my heart. To share Jesus with the broken and the lost.
I remember when I was lost and broken how the only peace I ever had was when I was surrounded by people who were full of His presence.

It’s time to make heaven crowded.
There is no more time for games.
We have to get serious about serving God so our light can shine to those around us who desperately need Jesus.
Go tell them about me.
That is what my spirit keeps hearing. The harvest is ripe. There are no labors. Everyone is to wrapped in their own self. My heart is heavy for those who are lost. My heart breaks for the one who has slipped away. My heart breaks for the kids caught up addiction.
Today, I dare you to ask God to give you a burden for the lost. To stir up the gifts inside of you. Get out of your comfort zone and do the task He has laid out before you.

Luke 10:2
These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.