Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you
You just have to be still
This verse spoke volumes to me today.
How many times is our battles extended because we just don’t stand still and let the Lord fight for us.
We try to fight in our own strength and the enemy just keeps wearing us out.
• Literally: To slow down, rest, pause, and reflect
• Deeper: To stop worrying, stop trying to control things, wait, and find contentment
For God’s people, being “still” would involve looking to the Lord for their help.
So if we just allow God to be in control our battles the enemy couldn’t wear us out.
It’s hard to let go and let God be God when we are so used to trying to fix everything.
Take God at His word today that He is fighting for you.
Victory is here , reach out and grab it. Take a hold and don’t let go.
God is faithful to keep His promises concerning you and your family.