Gods house isn’t a broken home.
Many of us come from a broken home, or we are parents whose children are growing up in a broken home. It is a hard place to be. I know the hurt of being divorced and I know the pain in my children’s eyes all too well. I also know God can take that pain and make something new.
God’s House is a house of healing and restoration. Many times we make it be a broken home because our actions hurt those broken wounded soldiers who walk in the door.
Many times we have a “me and my few and no more” mentality. The church isn’t your personal social club. The church is a group of believers who are supposed to be in one mind and one accord. How can we help those whose views of earthly families are so distorted see the true love of the Father if we never acknowledge their presence? It is easy to just walk in worship, speak to your friends, go to lunch and live life. That is not what God wants, He wants His children loving each other.
God’s house is a place of refuge from the storm. Not a place where clicks and groups form. Be the difference.
The Word of God says He heals our brokenness and bandages our wounds. Be someone who brings healing to others and not pain. Determine to reach out to others you don’t know. Be kind. Be friendly. Be like Jesus.