If we fast and don’t pray we are wasting our time.

Nehemiah 1

This book has truly captured my heart at this moment.

Verse 4-6
He fasted and prayed
He wept and mourned

If we fast and don’t pray we are wasting our time.
He was so burdened for his people and the condition of their hearts. They were lost.

He reminded God of His sovereignty. He gave God the glory due to God.
He reminded God of His covenant of love and mercy.
He petitioned that God’s ear would be open.
He pleaded on behalf of his people confessing how sinful and lost they were.
He reminded God of the promises that He made to Moses that when they repented He would gather them back together.
He reminded God that these are His people, whom He saved by His strong hand.

Vs11 He requested again that God be attentive to His prayers.

This pricked my heart for my people . My people are my children, natural, adopted , bonus and spiritual and their seed. God has given me promises over my children. Now I am declaring that they will come to fruition. I begin to ask God to hear my cries for my children and their children.

My declaration is they will be restored and walking in their purpose. Our church is doing a 21 day fast. I told the Lord I didn’t just want this to be like any other fast I wanted Him to prick my heart.

The urgency to get in my secret place in the first few days only tells me God is up to something.
I could find a million excuses to not get away with the Lord, because my job is at a chaotic place. My family has been hit with sickness. I have determined that I will still set time aside to spend with Jesus.
I believe even if I lose sleep that He will renew my physical strength.

I encourage find time to make your petitions known not just in an emergency situation but daily.