Do you feel like God is silent?

Do you feel like God is silent?
Are you in a foggy season? Are you in a lonely season?

I Kings 18
Elijah went through a time that God was silent. He remained faithful but you know it had to be devastating to have once had such deep connection and now God is silent.

Have you ever been in a season of asking and not hearing? Have you been in a place where it’s so foggy there is barely enough light to take small steps.
I have learned during these dry, desolate places God is working. I have also learned during these times to return to my first love.
I have realized that I truly have to stand on the promises of God. I have to draw a line in the sand that says as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
We don’t stray all in one moment. It’s the little things that we allow that bring separation.
I have come to realize that maybe we have to lose a job. Deal with sicknesses. I had to go through a divorce for God to get my whole heart. I know God can and does restore marriages when we completely surrender but I also know He gives restoration after the brokenness.
Sometimes when life is great we slip away from that passion we had when things were new.
Life happens we get busy.
I am telling you that when you’re walking in the deep dark place, He may be silent but He is walking right beside you. God never leaves us even in the moments He is silent . Quit trying to figure things out and trust that when the time is right the fog will lift and He will speak.

Just like He did for Elijah at the right moment, He answered the prayer and the rain came. Just at the moment God showed up and showed His mighty power.
I am declaring that I hear the abundance of rain coming over your life. Your season of dryness is over. Begin to let your spirit hear the abundance of rain that’s coming over your life.

Do you hear the thunder of His voice speaking to you? Do you hear the gentle whisper of His love so true?

He makes His presence known in every storm.
He speaks to our storm and says peace be still.

Job 36:32-33

“He covers His hands with the lightning,And commands it to strike the mark.His thundering voice declares [awesomely] His presence;The cattle also are told of His coming storm

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