We are to be the light that shines in the darkness

Reading Ephesians 5 today and a few verses jumped out at me
Vs 6 – don’t be deceived by empty words.
Now more than ever don’t just go with things that sound good. Dig in the Word to find the truth. Many will be deceived because they never read what the Word says.

Vs 10 – find out what pleases the Lord
We are to be the light that shines in the darkness. We cannot allow the darkness to put our light out. How will you find out what please the Lord? Getting in His Word and having daily fellowship with Him.

Vs 15-16 Be careful how you live redeeming the time because the days are evil.
This isn’t the day and time to play games with God. You have to be all in 100 percent sold out. The Word is very clear about sin.
We have to guard our hearts and our minds. Sometimes we have to break connections with people because they live a life that brings you down. Remember Jesus ate with sinners and they changed, He didn’t. God is calling the church back to holiness. No more walking that gray line. No more dabbling with this and that. It’s time to make a stand. It’s time to repent and turn from our sins so God can heal our land. If you can’t stand right now how will you stand when things get worse?