Don’t be afraid to let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Let Him fill your life to overflowing.

If you have the Holy Spirit you have power.
We don’t use that power often enough.

So many times I find myself interceding in tongues and have no idea who or why I am praying.
Sometimes later I find out my kids are in a situation or sick.

Sometimes I think we are interceding for people we don’t even know.

That power raised Jesus from the dead.
You don’t have to call a pastor or a preacher to pray for others. You have that faith inside of you. It is time to walk in that faith.
Jesus told us , “to go into the highways and the byways and compel them.” He also told us that, His house is full but His fields are empty. We have a great big mission field all around us. You were not put in the job your at by accident, someone around you needs the hope you have inside. You don’t live in your neighborhood for no reason, someone there needs the hope you have inside.
Share your faith, share the love of Jesus, many times the best way to do that is to live a life that leaves a good testimony. Be the salt and light this world needs. Your probably thinking I can’t do that. Your right in your own strength you can’t, but it’s that power that lives inside of you that people need.
Don’t be afraid to let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Let Him fill your life to overflowing.

Romans 8:11
The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you.